Bonfire Burn 2022

When there’s a big banner for a 10 km race staring at you if you glance out of your office window, it does seem rude not to enter. Mind, this was back pre-pandemic in 2019, not long after I learnt I’d got a 2020 London marathon ballot place and at a point I could actually run a full 10 km…

6 November 2022 · 5 min read · Clare, James

Haste to the wedding: the musical interlude

Amongst the hasty planning of our wedding, it occurred to us that I could provide a musical interlude on the tin whistle that I’ve been learning to play over the last 18 months or so. I was initially a bit hesitant about this (can we say reluctant…)

23 October 2022 · 4 min read · James

Haste to the wedding (II): the day

Where were we; oh yes, we were eloping to Scotland. Wow. It’s still a little scary to think it. And it’s getting even harder to write about. But here’s part two of the ‘haste to the wedding’ story, from leaving home until the end of the wedding day. And for those who don’t know the reason these posts are entitled ‘haste to the wedding’, it will become apparent…

14 October 2022 · 14 min read · Clare, James

Haste to the wedding (I): before the trip

Well, the secret is out now, after being together 20 years, James and I eloped for a late-summer wedding overlooking the gorgeous Loch Lomond. And as we’ve been asked a few times what prompted this, a blog post seems in order. However, that’s not really so easy to write, not least because this is all quite personal. But, here we are with a little of the story…

30 September 2022 · 9 min read · Clare, James


I’m writing this on ‘National Cream Tea Day’ not long after I succumbed to scone fever with two recent events requiring the baking of scones. However, it’s not me doing the baking - James is the one who’s rather good at scones - so much so, I call his scones ‘the clouds’. Hence, another recipe-sharing blog post…

25 June 2022 · 5 min read · Clare

Pitfalls of replacing an icon font with svg icons

This blog uses a fair few icons, such as the icons in the menu. Until today, these had been placed using a font kit from Font Awesome, which worked by using JavaScript to replace tags with the appropriate icon from their library. However, for some time I’d been wanting to move away from this method…

9 April 2022 · 7 min read · Clare

Herts Sunday cross country league 21/22 review

It was great news when I heard that the club had arranged for us to take part in the Herts Sunday cross country league, the winter sister competition to our usual summer interclub competition. As I prepared, I was very pleased to find that I’d had some forethought 2 years ago, and had loosened the spikes in the cross country shoes, so they weren’t rusted in place…

13 February 2022 · 8 min read · James, Clare